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Castopod is an open-source server made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience.

How to import your podcast to Castopod

How to import your podcast to Castopod

Castopod allows you to import your podcast from any other platform within 1 click!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod supports Podcast Locking

Castopod supports Podcast Locking

Thanks to the “locked” tag brought to you by the podcast namespace (from, you can protect your podcast from being copied.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Create a podcast in 3mn with Castopod

Create a podcast in 3mn with Castopod

Once Castopod is installed, creating a new podcast is very easy. And because Castopod is multi-tenant, you can create as many podcasts as you want to!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Audience measurement with Castopod

Audience measurement with Castopod

Castopod provides great analytics data about your audience.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
The birth of Castopod Server

The birth of Castopod Server

It all started in 1999 when Dan Libby and Ramanathan V. Guha at Netscape created RSS.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod Server

Castopod Server

Castopod Server is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy