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Benjamin Bellamy

Benjamin Bellamy

Podcasts, e-commerce & open-source. Father of Castopod. CEO of Ad Aures.

How transcription is enhancing the Podcasting ecosystem

How transcription is enhancing the Podcasting ecosystem

Transcription is significantly enhancing podcasting experiences by improving SEO, accessibility, recommendation features, and user experience through chapters.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Transcribe your Podcast with accurate speaker diarisation, for free, with Whisper

Transcribe your Podcast with accurate speaker diarisation, for free, with Whisper

Thanks to AI, automatic transcription has become affordable and accurate. But getting a reliable speaker diarisation is not easy… until you use Mufidiwiwhi!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Tips & Tricks
The Podfather 2.0 (The pioneers strike back)

The Podfather 2.0 (The pioneers strike back)

In the summer of 2020, Adam Curry and Dave Jones co-created PodcastIndex, a free, open directory that now has more than 4 million podcasts (the Apple directory has 2 million), and launched the “Podcast 2.0” movement to add new features to podcasts. We had a little chat last month.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Use Mumble to record a podcast with guests

Use Mumble to record a podcast with guests

“Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming.” But it's also the perfect tool to record a podcast with guests!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Tips & Tricks
Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability (FOSDEM 2023)

Podcasting 2.0: it's all about Interoperability (FOSDEM 2023)

This presentation of Podcasting 2.0 was given in Brussels, Belgium, at FOSDEM 2023.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Install Whisper.cpp on your Mac in 5mn and transcribe all your podcasts for free!

Install Whisper.cpp on your Mac in 5mn and transcribe all your podcasts for free!

Audio transcription is getting better every month. Whisper.CPP makes it faster and easier.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Tips & Tricks
Value your analytics data with OP3, an open-source and trusted third party

Value your analytics data with OP3, an open-source and trusted third party

The Open Podcast Prefix Project (OP3) is a free and open-source podcast prefix analytics service committed to open data and listener privacy. Castopod now allows you to enable it for all your podcasts!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Podcasters, unlock your true creative potential with Web Monetization

Podcasters, unlock your true creative potential with Web Monetization

This presentation of Web Monetization for podcasting was given in New Orleans, Louisiana, for the 2022 Interledger Summit.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy