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Castopod is an open-source server made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience.

Embed a Castopod audio player in another website

Embed a Castopod audio player in another website

Castopod widget allows you to embed any episode on any website, whether it is your Wordpress blog or someone else's page.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod supports the Person tag

Castopod supports the Person tag

Podcasts are made by people. Now you can communicate about the persons who make your podcasts alive!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod: an open source podcast hosting service

Castopod: an open source podcast hosting service

This article is the translation of an interview conducted by Anthony Gourraud in the podcast “Des Ondes Vocast”.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod supports the Location tag

Castopod supports the Location tag

Thanks to the podcast:location tag you may now specify if your podcast is about a specific place.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod supports the Soundbite tag

Castopod supports the Soundbite tag

You can give a taste of your latest episodes thanks to the soundbite feature.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod supports Web Monetization

Castopod supports Web Monetization

Thanks to the Web Monetization standard, you can receive money directly from your audience.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod supports Chapters and Transcript tags

Castopod supports Chapters and Transcript tags

In order to provide better experience to your audience, you can specify chapters and transcripts files.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Publish your podcast on all platforms

Publish your podcast on all platforms

Castopod allows you to easily publish your podcast everywhere.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy