Embed a Castopod audio player in another website
Castopod widget allows you to embed any episode on any website, whether it is your Wordpress blog or someone else's page.

Castopod supports the Person tag
Podcasts are made by people. Now you can communicate about the persons who make your podcasts alive!

Use Ubuntu Studio for better sound experience
Working with sound on Linux can be tedious. It should not. Ubuntu Studio provides performance and stability.

Castopod: an open source podcast hosting service
This article is the translation of an interview conducted by Anthony Gourraud in the podcast “Des Ondes Vocast”.

Castopod supports the Location tag
Thanks to the podcast:location tag you may now specify if your podcast is about a specific place.

How to use Control Surfaces with Ardour on Linux
Using audio hardware on Linux is easier than it seems… when you know where to begin! 😉

How to record a Podcast with remote guests on Linux
This article explains how to record a podcast on Linux with remote guests using Ubuntu, Ardour and Jack Audio Connection Kit.

Castopod supports the Soundbite tag
You can give a taste of your latest episodes thanks to the soundbite feature.