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Publish your podcast on all platforms

Castopod allows you to easily publish your podcast everywhere.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy

Once you have created a podcast, you may add external platforms links to it.

Note: Podcasting platforms will usually prevent you from submitting a podcast if it does not have at least one published episode.

Go to the “External platforms” page. For each platform add the address that points to your podcast:
Switch the toggle on if you want the link to be displayed on the podcast homepage.

Castopod makes it easy for you to submit your podcast to other platform: just click on the icon below the plaform logo and follow the instructions!

You can add links to any social network page:

If you are using a funding platform, add the link here:

When you have saved these links, they will be displayed on your podcast:

Castopod is compliant with the podcast-namespace so all platform links are exposed in your RSS feed:

  • Other podcasting platforms will use the <podcast:id> tag
  • Social Network platforms will use the <podcast:social> tag
  • Funding platforms will use the <podcast:funding> tag

Note that Castopod will also import these tags. So if you are moving your podcast from another hosting service that is also podcast-namespace compliant, you will not have to specify your podcasting/social/funding platforms as they will be automatically imported!


Benjamin Bellamy

Podcasts, e-commerce & open-source. Father of Castopod. CEO of Ad Aures.