Castopod supports the Podcast:GUID tag
Your podcast is unique. It deserves a unique key.
We usually identify a podcast by its name.
“What's your podcast name?”, we look for it in our favorite podcast app, then we subscribe and listen.
From time to time, that does not work and we need the RSS feed URL. The RSS URL is unique, so that solves one problem, but it may change: when a podcast switches from one hosting company to another for instance. (Did you know that there are Podcast host changes all the time?)
That is why PodcastIndex submitted a new podcast tag: GUID. In a nutshell (without going through all the UUID technical details…), this will allow every podcast to have a unique ID that will never change.
Castopod now provides GUID features.
In order to get a GUID in Castopod, you will have to:
- Do nothing.
Your GUID will be automatically created (if you are creating a new podcast) or imported from your previous hosting. (If your previous hosting did not provide a GUID then Castopod will create one for you.)
Your brand new GUID will be inserted in your RSS feed so that it is available to everyone.
Your podcast is unique, now it has a unique key. 🌷
Photo from João Jesus.