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Benjamin Bellamy

Benjamin Bellamy

Podcasts, e-commerce & open-source. Father of Castopod. CEO of Ad Aures.

The Fediverse is so much bigger than Mastodon

The Fediverse is so much bigger than Mastodon

Every once in a while, Mastodon is on everybody's lips. It has happened before, it will happen again. But why is it so important?

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Transcribe your podcast for free using only a laptop and Whisper

Transcribe your podcast for free using only a laptop and Whisper

Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model that can be used for podcast transcription. It is open-source so you can download it with its multilingual trained model and use it on your personal laptop!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Tips & Tricks
πŸ’Ž Premium podcasts: Offer exclusive content to your loyal listeners

πŸ’Ž Premium podcasts: Offer exclusive content to your loyal listeners

Castopod now fully supports premium episodes! Whether you wish to monetize your podcast with value4value, ads or paid content, Castopod is the hosting platform you need.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Your Podcast is your own Social Network

Your Podcast is your own Social Network

Thanks to Castopod, there is no middleman between your podcast and your audience: Your podcast IS the social network!

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
How to record a Podcast with Zrythm

How to record a Podcast with Zrythm

Zrythm is a new Open Source Digital Audio Workstation. I tested it to record a podcast episode with remote guests.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Tips & Tricks
Building a European Cultural Backbone: ActivityPub

Building a European Cultural Backbone: ActivityPub

This presentation of the ActivityPub protocol was given in Linz, Austria, for the β€œBuilding a European Cultural Backbone ” convention.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod: the voice of the Fediverse (Interview with Framasoft)

Castopod: the voice of the Fediverse (Interview with Framasoft)

Framasoft asked us a few questions about Castopod and the Fediverse. Here is an English translation of the transcript.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy
Castopod now supports WebSub

Castopod now supports WebSub

Podcasts are cool! But is there a way to make sure you don't miss a new episode when it comes out? WebSub is one of them.

Benjamin Bellamy
Benjamin Bellamy